Thank you

We are a non-profit organisation that strives to be independent of grants and to seek support from companies, municipalities and people who care about the environment and trees. There are many kinds of support, but without money our task would be impossible. That’s why we would like to thank everyone who has taken part in plantings with us and everyone who has supported us at least with a donation.

What they said about us:


To date, the following companies and organisations have joined us in tree plantings or supported our work. Thank you!


The following individuals have supported tree plantings with financial donations. Thank you!


The purpose of the Partner Municipalities Club is to express favour and support for our non-profit organisation by supporting our activities for a particular year with a small financial gift. On our website we display the coat of arms of the member municipalities and a link to their website. We also try to give them priority if they want to plant more greenery in their municipality. If you too would like to support us, get in touch at and we will be happy to reply.

Specific uses of funding from the Partner Municipalities Club:

Procurement and maintenance of toolsTraining of new colleaguesCommunication with municipalities and search for new sitesRewards for landscape professionals